Infringement Penalties

Copyright Infringement Penalties

Copyright encroachment is the demonstration of damaging any of a copyright proprietor's selective rights allowed by the government Copyright Act. There are three components that must be set up all together for the encroachment to happen.

1.            The copyright holder must have a legitimate copyright.

2.            The man who is supposedly encroaching must approach the copyrighted work.

3.            The duplication of the copyrighted work must be outside the special cases.

The legitimate punishments for copyright encroachment are:

1.            Infringer pays the genuine dollar measure of harms and benefits.

2.            The law gives a range from $200 to $150,000 for each work encroached.

3.            Infringer pays for all lawyers expenses and court costs.

4.            The Court can issue a directive to stop the encroaching demonstrations.

5.            The Court can seize the unlawful works.

6.            The infringer can go to imprison.
For more information contact Infringement Court in Melbourne, Australia.